Friday, March 13, 2020

Washing K J S Chatrath

The only solid advice that I have read about keeping oneself safe from corona virus is to wash one's hands. Though there are differing  pieces of advice on which is the best way of washing hands!

Two doubts....
(i) I hope there is no harm in in washing them with soap, say- 20 times a day,
(ii) should there be a connecting caveat NOT to wash hands if not necessary....Imagine the amount of water saved if 130 crore of us do not wash our hands unnecessarily say 5 times a day!

I remember an old venerable lady in our family who would call for the servant. As soon as the servant came she would say go and wash your hands first and then come.  When the servant would reappear after washing hands, the lady would say, now go and get me a glass of water....

By the way, it is interesting how soap and disinfectant industries have suddenly gone hyper in their 'social responsibility' advertisements,

My take: Wash hands as often as required but do try to ensure that no water is wasted.

'Coronavirus, Google, and all that rummy' - by K J S Chatrath

Ramoo: Bad news! Bad news!

Shyamoo: What happened?

Ramoo: Bengaluru Google Employee has Coronavirus!

Shyamoo: So?

Ramoo: Should I stop using 'Google' on my smartphone?

Shyamoo: Your are not smart but are dumb!