Tuesday, April 5, 2016

'The Panama Papers' - by K.J.S. Chatrath

'The Panama Papers' are the flavour of the week and every one is talking knowledgeably about those.

My information is limited to the headlines that I have seen in the newspapers.

My take - one interesting thing that comes out is that citizens and leaders of the U.S.A. are non-corrupt and honourable men and women... ... ...

'No, Mr. Ramdev' by K.J.S.Chatrath

"If anybody disrespects Bharat Mata, we have the capability of beheading not one but thousands and lakhs... said Mr. Ramdev" - news

'Department of Happiness in Madhya Pradesh - शुद्ध ड्रामेबाज़ी!' - by K.J.S.Chatrath

सुना जाता है की मध्य प्रदेश के कुछ भागों में लोगों को भर पेट पौष्टिक खाना नहीं मिलता है और कुछ इलाकों में पीने के साफ पानी  की कमीं है और यह 'Department of Happiness' की बात करते हैं?

क्या यह शुद्ध ड्रामेबाज़ी नहीं है?

Email: kjschatrath@yahoo.co.in; chatrath@gmail.com