Sunday, July 12, 2015

'Bravo Sumit Nagal!' by K.J.S.Chatrath

Bravo Sumit Nagal!

1.2 billion Indians would like you to lift the Wimbledon Singles Trophy.....Soon.

'Budha Sadhu in low spirits'

I was a bit foxed to see a small heading on the front page of an English daily yesterday. It read "Budha Sadhu in low spirits".

Going to the main story, I found it to be a delightful piece on Old monk rum written lovingly by the versatile Bhaichand Patel. Take a look:

Warning: Consumption of alcohol is injurious to health!

Mass Yoga: The other viewpoint

I have seen Mr. Harish Khare's article dated 19th June, 2015, today. "Bend it like Modi: Minimum transparency, maximum intrusion: by Harish Khare;".

It is good to see the other view point also.