Friday, November 13, 2015

'Pappa, Pappu & Kohinoor'- by K.J.S.Chatrath

Pappu: Pappa, Pappa.
Pappa: Yes Pappu:
Pappu: The British PM was sometimes back reported as having said: 'Kohinoor is ours, wont be returned'
Pappa: So?
Pappu: Was it disocvered while digging for construction of the Buckingham Palace?
Pappa: Quiet! Go and finish your school homework at once!

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Pappa, Pappu & 'hubris' by K.J.S.Chatrath

Pappu: Pappa, Pappa.
Pappa: Yes Pappu.
Pappu: What is the meaning of 'hubris'?
Papa: It means excessive pride or self-confidence. But why are you asking .
Pappu: Oh just trying to improve my English vocabulary.
Pappa: Hmmmmm..Finished your school homework?

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