Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Stretch Limo....

Stretch Limo is a car found in great abundance on the roads of Ludiana district of Panjab, India - Originally an American invention of the pre-financial mess days......This is the sole one that I ssaw in St. Petersburg.

Extract from " Saintliness In Politics Cuts Both Ways" by Dileep Padgaonkar

“... what Hazare has done is to act solely according to the dictates of his ‘conscience’, his ‘inner voice’, to attain his goal. He places those dictates well above Parliament – the repository of the will of the people – and the Constitution – the touchstone of our republic.

Like other claimants to infallibility – the Pope, the communist Commissar, the fascist ideologue, the jihadi theocrat – Hazare too appears to abide by what he believes are self-evident propositions. He alone can distinguish between vice and virtue; he alone knows the truth; there is only one path to reach it and that is the path laid by him. In other words, he alone is entitled to deploy his very own means to eradicate corruption. ... ...”

The Neighbourhood... ...

One hears that "The Government of Sindh in Pakistan has decided that teaching Chinese language in all schools from Grade VI on wards shall be compulsory from 2013 onwards."