Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A fascinating new medical discovery

A fascinating new study has found that just touching the cow can stabilise one's blood pressure. (http://www.indianexpress.com/news/bjps-cow-dung-gems-stops-csec-nradiation/897891/)

So soon all the medical practitioners would be keeping cows in their clinics. The patients of high blood preassure would be asked to just touch it and pronto the BP would get stabilized.

Nobel Prize in Pure Sciences for India?

An Organisation in Madhya Pradesh has come out with some amazing findings about the properties of cow dung and cow's urine (see http://www.indianexpress.com/news/bjps-cow-dung-gems-stops-csec-nradiation/897891/http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif)

One feels that India would have a chance of bagging a Nobel Prize in Pure Sciences on the strength of such research. In the meantime this Organsiation may do well to get its findings patented lest any foreign country may lay claim to these.

Let's keep our fingers crossed.