Saturday, November 3, 2012

'The last long trip and not the THE last long trip' by K.J.S.Chatrath

Hello, Travel is what keeps me going...I do realize that with passing years, body's capacity to take long journeys goes down...I have been feeling it but trying to ignore it...Now perhaps a time has come to become more realistic. Tomorrow, I am going on a longish trip to Mexico, Cuba and while returning, stay in Paris for a few days. The actual flying time to Mexico City is 21 hours....I think it is going to be perhaps the last long trip that I am taking (I am not talking about THE last long trip!) So for the next five weeks there would be no new posts on, and And on return I would be having lots of pictures, stories and tips to share with you. I was hoping that you would wish me a 'Bon voyage'..... With warm regards....KJS Chatrath