Sunday, January 5, 2014

Hear ye my IAS brethren....

I was going to put up a blog (yes, yet another one) lambasting seeking of post retirement assignments by my IAS brethren .But I got side tracked.Why not address it to the brother and sister officers of the IAS, thought I. "IAS brethren and ..." this is where I got stuck. What about the lady members of the IAS? A little browsing and I came to know that the word is, or was, 'sistern'.

Look what the TIME newsmagazine explained: "Brethren and sistren" occur in most anecdotes about Baptist preachers. They should occur no more. Dr. George W. Truett of Dallas, three time president of the Southern Baptist Committee, presiding last week over a conference of Southern Baptists in Memphis, Tenn., ruled that "brethren" applies alike to male and female members of the congregation.....". Incidentally it was the issue dated 20th May, 1929 of TIME that reported this!

For more details see "Religion: Women Brethren - TIME:,9171,723668,00.html#ixzz2pncXUng8

Of course the promised lambasting will follow soon......