Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Yoga, sudden rain in Delhi & Ms. kiran Bedi

Ms. Kiran Bedi has propounded a thesis that sudden welcome rain in Delhi on Sunday was the result of mass synchronised Yoga in Delhi...

We look forward to the validation of this theory in the next issue of 'Nature' and hopefully followed by award of a Nobel Prize.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

'M.N.Sharma Archtectural Society' ....Some modesty!

Chandigarh's first Indian Chief Architect Mr. M.N.Sharma starts an NGO called 'M.N.Sharma Archtectural Society' (news)...

Now that is some modesty!

Mr. Arun Jaitley to leave on a 10 day tour of the USA... (news)

Mr. Arun Jaitley to leave on a 10 day tour of the USA... (news)
When I was in service in Odisha, we were required to tour extensively in the areas where we were posted. One such requirement was to make a 'sustained tour' of at least 5 nights in 'off the beaten tracks'.

Mr. Jaitley appears to be going on a 'Maha' sustained tour of the USA.....

Friday, June 12, 2015

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Great-grandson and Great- grand daughter

Photo of the Great-grandson and Great-grand daughter of the reigning British monarch in today's newspaper....I wonder how many of the 1.2 billion Indians are interested...I for one am not....

Indian Immunity!

सड़े तेल में डूबे भटूरे और समोसे,
सल्फर के तेजाब वाले पानी के गोलगप्पे,
बर्ड फ्लू वाले जख्मी मुर्गे की चांप,
एक ही पत्ती से कई बार बनी चाय,
Detergent powder वाला दूध,
धूल वाली सड़क पे खुले कटे फलों की चाट,
नाली किनारे बिकती सब्जियां,
कभी ना साफ हुई टंकी के प्याऊ का पानी,
खुजलाते हाथों की ढाबे की रोटीयां,
मरे मच्छरों की चाश्नी में डूबी जलेबियां,
और सूखे दूध के नकली मेवे की मिठाई,
जिसका बाल भी बांका नहीं कर सके।
उसका Maggie ki LEAD क्या बिगाड़ लेगी !!
Immune being an Indian.
(Source: Internet)

'USA refuses Visa to Indian Junior Archery Team'- news...Sad...So Sad!

USA refuses Visa to Indian Junior Archery Team...Sad...So Sad!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

"Minor girl goes to buy 'samosas', raped by uncle"....poor show by the newspaper

Today's Times of Chandigarh (Times of India publication) has a news item, "Minor girl goes to buy 'samosas', raped by uncle".

I fail to see the relevance of 'samosas' here except its mention with the intention to trivialize and make a joke out of the serious crime of rape.

Media should be careful in handling sensitive matters.

'Nepotism.....' by K.J.S.Chatrath

Read today's news and you can't miss the most blatant case of nepotism....

'Mango season' by K.J.S.Chatrath

Oh Darling, you are so pretty... ...

Friday, June 5, 2015

'Athiests on the increase?' by K.J.S.Chatrath

"Britains's 2011 national census shows a 12% drop in the numbers professing Christianity since 2001, and a 10% increase in those declaring they had no religion". (Source: The Economist Intelligent Life, March-April 2013, page32)

'Celebrating World Environment Day brouhaha- Seminars, lectures & marches vs. concrete action' by K.J.S.Chatrath

A lot of brouhaha over celebration of the World Environment Day - A number of seminars, lectures, marches and expressions of good intent but but very few concrete steps.

Just a quick back of the envelope calculation. We Indians are now 1.25 billion plus. Let us presume that each one of us- man, woman and child plants a sapling this year. Let us also presume that the mortality rate of these saplings is zero. We continue doing it each year for the next 5 years.

Calculate how many additional trees would we have in India and what positive impact it would have on India's environment!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

‘Democracies elect prime ministers, not emperors’ writes Khare.

After a deluge of adulatory articles on the ‘anniversary’ here is one that is frank and forthright. Harish Khare, who has just joined as Editor-in Chief of the Tribune Group of papers has come out with his first article in today’s The Tribune. ‘Democracies elect prime ministers, not emperors’ writes Khare. Take a look:

‘No room for an emperor’ by Harish Khare

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

India's fastest train completes final test run in record time (ET)- Misplaced priority by K.J.S.Chatrath

'India's fastest train completes final test run in record time' (ET)

To my mind, it is a classic case of misplaced priorities.

Those who talk about speeding up of our trains are perhaps the air-traveller types who are far removed from the reality of travelling by Indian railways. I am proud of Indian railways, but let us first emphasize on cleanliness, punctuality and safety in our trains.

'Town Park, Panchkula' by K.J.S.Chatrath

I go for an evening walk to the Town Park, Panchkula. This is what it looked like yesterday.