Wednesday, May 31, 2017

'Respectful Salute to Ms. Nandini K.R. the IAS topper of 2017' by K.J.S.Chatrath

Respectful Salute to Ms. Nandini K.R. the IAS topper of 2017 and to all the other bright ladies who have made it to the IAS.

'Cow as National Animal, peacocks not having sex and all that ' by K.J.S.Chatrath

Photo above is from my article 'A celestial white peacock dance in Almaty, Kazakhastan' ( which was published in my blog 

“Peacocks Don't Have Sex, Says Judge Who Recommended Cow As National Animal” &"The peacock is a lifelong brahmachari (celibate). It never has sex with the peahen. The peahen gets pregnant after swallowing the tears of the peacock," Judge Mahesh Chandra Sharma told reporters.

Yes, Your Honour!

Alas! The poor peacock and poor peahen do not know what they are missing!