Monday, December 31, 2012

Had one too many last night.....

'Come on, Grow up, The Tribune' by K.J.S.Chatrath

What about starting the New year with a cynical critical remark? The Tribune, Chandigarh is perhaps the only newspaper in the country which considers release of new year calenders by government departments/autonomour/semi-aoutonomous organisations to be 'news' worth covering.Its choice of 'news' has deteriorated during the year 2012. Come on 'The Tribune' grow up. We wish you well.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Garv say kaho ki hum nastik hain..

While strong dignified protests are being registered by the young throughout India, unfortunate news of rapes of girls and women are still pouring in from various parts of the country. We have been told that there is a God. But is there a God? We have been told that God is omniscient, omni-present and omni-potent. Is the God really omnisciient,omni-present and omni-potent? The innocent get pain and suffering and are told that this is the result of their negative karmas of previous birth and that the good behavior of this life would be rewarded in the next life. But the crooked are flourishing, protests the innocent good person. Oh, that is because they did good karmas in their last life. But they are leading a bad amoral life, feebly protests the innocent good person. Oh, dont you worry, they would be punished for their bad karmas of the present life in their next life. Would a fair, just and kind God do this? No. The pain being inflicted on the innocent in this world shows that there is no God. There is no God, let alone a God who punishes the wicked and rewards the good. God's 'Heavenly Penal Code'has failed as much as our Indian Penal Code in saving women from rape and dishonour. So let us keep God out of this. Garv say kaho ki ham nastik hain! (i) Let action be taken to set up fast track courts and the pending one lakh cases be disposed off within six months- by 30.6.2013. (ii) Introduce compusory physical castration and whipping, besides strong sentence for those convicted of rape. I am aware that my outburst is more a result of anguish than considered logical thinking...

Saturday, December 29, 2012

The death of an innocent, brutalised young lady

I am angry and I am ashamed. Our lawmakers are requested to seriously consider re-introduction of the Indian Whipping Act for the offences rape/molestation and eveteasing (Remember that the British ruled us by freely using the provisions of this dreaded Act). The Indian Penal Code can be suitably amended. There should be provision of a mandatory minimum of 12 lashes to be given in a public place for proven offences of rape/molestation and say ten for eveteasing. Make castration of the offenders found guilty by courts mandatory, and I am not suggesting chemical castration. I would recommend such offenders be physically castrated. Follow this up by showing photos of the castrated offenders faces on the TV. By all means give suggestions to the Honble Justice Verma’s Commission. But let us remember that this is a slow process that takes time. So in the meantime let Government set up special courts to try the existing pendency of one lakh rape cases under the existing laws of the land. Hearing should be on a day to day basis and cases finished within 180 days. Imagine one lakh rapists (if proven guilty) getting stiff sentences within the next six months. Government has done well to announce that it will prepare a data base along with photographs of those convicted of rape and hopefully such a data base would be in the public domain. And, imagine again, one lakh names and photos being added to this data base by the end of June 2013! Tell me what would you prefer to see in India - women being raped/molested/teased in public or the offenders of such crimes being whipped in public, and castrated, following the due process of law? Now dont tell be that whipping in public would be uncivilised, barbaric and primitive as if raping, molestation and eveteasing are less uncivilised, heinous and barbaric crimes! And by the way, where is that omni- present, omni-potent and just God? May be ‘God’s in his heaven’ and thinks that ‘all is right with the world’!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Bad news from Singapore

May the departed soul rest in peace and may the guilty of this meanest of the mean act rot in hell for ever. Innocents getting brutalised...Where is the 'so called' God?

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Some politeness that the common man deserves....

Saw this in a small village in the interiors of Nainital District of Uttrakhand.

New Year Resolutions

Any day is as good as another for starting to improve one's life style...So let us not get into the "My New Year Resolution is..." crap....

Sunday, December 9, 2012

'In memory of Mercy' by K.J.S.Chatrath

Today's The Tribune published from Chandigarh carries an item with a photograph "In Memory of Mercy: Kim Kardashian's snow-white kitten Mercy, which was a gift from rapper beau Kanye West, three months back, has died..." I wonder how many readers of your newspaper bother about such news (?) Mr. Editor?