
Saturday, November 1, 2014

'Halloween and a repenting rude old man' by K.J.S.Chatrath

Last year around the Halloween time my doorbell rang in the evening. I opened the door and found some small school going children who said almost breathlessly, something like, 'It is Halloween Uncle...Trick or treat'.

My reaction was instant 'Come back on Lohri. Halloween is not our festival.'

They left sheepishly.

I have been feeling sheepish and embarrassed ever since.

Yesterday was Halloween and I was hoping that the same bunch of kids would come in the evening and ring my doorbell and I would give them a treat.

No,the bell never rang.

Mr. Kailash Satyarthi & the Nobel Honour

I had not heard of Mr Kailash Satyarthi till he was awarded the Nobel Prize.

May be other Indians had known about the good work being done by him and I was the only ignorant one.

Or maybe the foreigners know more about people doing good work in India than we Indians do.