
Thursday, April 24, 2014

'Smile please' by K.J.S.Chatrath

For some reason I find it hard to smile and there is a permanent semi-growl on my face. My dear ones keep on trying to improve me but they haven't succeeded till now.

This morning my dentist fitted a clip with two teeth in my mouth. It did feel uncomfortable.

On return home I just happened to see the mirror in the bathroom. Well, I didn't quite recognise the face that I saw. There was a smile, albeit a faint smile on my face. It appears to be lasting. It is more like the 'Mona Lisa' smile than the 'Julia Roberts' one.

I shared this development with a friend who, tongue in cheek advised that I should quickly take a selfie before the faint smile disappears.

So here you are....

Shakespeare's 450th anniversary

A homage to William Shakespeare on his 450th anniversary:

Learned commentators view,
In Shakespeare, more than Shakespeare knew!

UK PM David Cameron calls Britain a 'Christian nation'- news

UK PM David Cameron calls Britain a 'Christian nation'- news

Do as you please - you are free nation.

We in India are proud to be a secular country.

'God has chosen me bless me'- Narendra-Modi

“God has chosen me, bless me: Narendra Modi”-

Hints of 'hubris’* ?

(*'Hubris, from ancient Greek, means extreme pride or self-confidence. Hubris often indicates a loss of contact with reality and an overestimation of one's own competence, accomplishments or capabilities, especially when the person exhibiting it is in a position of power'. Wikipedia.)